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New Feature | How to Offer Video Downloads with a Client Gallery?

New! Offer Video Downloads Inside Your Online Photo Gallery

As a photographer, providing an experience for your clients goes far beyond the photos you take. In a previous update, we launched the feature to upload videos to your online photo gallery. This feature made it easy to enhance your gallery by uploading premium slideshows, YouTube videos, or even videos from your desktop. But we didn’t stop there. With our latest update, you can now offer your clients video downloads, making it easy for them to save and cherish those memories on their own devices. With this post, you can take a deep dive into this new feature of Zno Gallery™, and why it will boost your photography business.

Benefits of Offering Video Downloads

Enhance Customer Experience

Sometimes clients expect more than just photos from their photographers; they also want videos of their events. They want to recall the precious moments, and videos play a huge role in that. Offering video downloads adds significant value to your photography services. You may increase client satisfaction and get more referrals. This helps build stronger, long-term relationships with your clients, leading to repeat business and a stronger brand reputation.

Increase Upsell Opportunities

The video download feature opens up a new revenue stream for your photography business. You can include video downloads as part of your premium package or sell it as an additional service. Customers are often willing to pay extra for high-quality videos. This enables you to tailor your packages to different needs while making more money.

How Does the Video Download Feature Work?

The new feature is seamlessly integrated into your existing gallery workspace. Once you upload a video to your gallery, you can now toggle an option that allows your clients to download the video directly from the client gallery. It’s that simple. Here is a guide:

STEP 1: Upload Your Videos

First, you can upload your videos to your online photo gallery along with the photos. Whether you do this by uploading a video from your desktop, inserting a slideshow, or inserting a video link from YouTube, you can easily showcase your videos in your gallery.

STEP 2: Enable Download Option

After uploading your videos, you can choose to enable download feature for your clients. You can choose to offer this feature for free, include it in a premium package, or even sell it as an add-on service.

Share the online photo gallery to your customers directly with a URL. They will see a download button in their gallery and can easily save the video directly to their device.

All in all, with this new feature, your clients can easily share their videos with their family and friends. This will not only improve the customer experience, but also enhance your services and build a good reputation.

Try this new feature to enhance client experience and make more money! Create a stunning online photo gallery and encourage your clients to download their videos with ease. Sign up for a free account and boost your sales with Zno Gallery™ today.

Create a client photo gallery and let your clients download their videos with ease.