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Drone Wedding Photography Guide: Enhance Your Clients’ Wedding Experience

Guide to Drone Wedding Photography Enhance Your Clients' Wedding Experience

This post was last updated on June 14, 2024.

Perhaps you are tired of the traditional form of wedding photography and want to create a more special and spectacular wedding experience for your clients? Have you heard of drone wedding photography? Don’t miss it! Drone wedding photography can be an incredible addition to wedding photography services, making your clients’ special day unforgettable. With the help of a drone, you can add a cinematic touch to the photos of their big day.

Create an online photo gallery with stunning wedding photos for your clients.

What is a Drone?

Drone photography has proved to be a surge in popularity in recent years. It offers a new perspective and experience for weddings, one of life’s most important events. But what exactly is a drone? A drone is a remotely piloted vehicle equipped with a high-resolution camera. It allows photographers and videographers to capture images and footage from unique perspectives and heights that are not possible with traditional handheld cameras. If you have a high-performance drone, you can enhance the client experience by capturing memorable shots and videos of your customers.

What is a drone? How to use drones in wedding photography?

Benefits of Drone Wedding Photography

Offer Unique Perspectives

Drones are ideal tools for capturing exterior shots. They are perfect for wedding photography as they can turn ordinary surroundings into extraordinary scenes. If your clients are planning to take their wedding photography in places such as some historical buildings, drones can capture stunning wedding photos from unique perspectives that ground-based photography cannot match.

Offer Unique Perspectives with Drones

Spectacular Aerial Shots

Drones are perfect for outdoor weddings. They specialize in taking stunning aerial photos that can blend the newcomer perfectly with the grand scene. If you are shooting on the day of the wedding, using a drone can also highlight the grandeur of the wedding by showcasing the event venue and surroundings from an overhead view. For wedding photographers, there’s nothing better than making sure everyone is in the frame without having to use a ladder!

Spectacular Aerial Shots with drones

Dynamic Storytelling

Whether it’s a castle, a beach, a forest or a cityscape, drones can add a cinematic and amazing effect to your wedding photos. Drones are not only capable of capturing wedding images, but they can also shoot dynamic video content. While moving through the air, drones can follow the movements of people to record precious moments, adding a storytelling element to weddings. They can record key moments such as the arrival of the bride and groom, the reception, etc. from multiple perspectives. This can help the bride and groom witness touching moments from a special viewpoint.

Do’s and Don’ts of Drone Wedding Photography

Get Your Drone License

If you want to start drone wedding photography, firstly you must obtain a “Part 107” certificate, which is the FAA certificate to fly drones commercially. This certificate demonstrates that you understand the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures for safely flying drones. If you don’t have time to learn and get this drone license, you can also hire a professional drone operator to support you during the wedding sessions.

Check the Weather

Please remember that safety is paramount during drone wedding photography. Bad weather can seriously affect drone performance, and they can’t fly in rain or high winds. You need to check the weather forecast in advance and have a backup plan with your clients accordingly to avoid any mishaps due to sudden weather changes.

Check the weather before the wedding photo shoot.

Make Sure the Wedding Venue is FAA Approved

Before flying a drone, you need to obtain permission from the venue. Comply with local regulations regarding drone operations, which may include no-fly zones, altitude limits, and privacy laws. Please give yourself enough time to discuss this with the venue so that they can take any necessary steps.

Discuss the Shots with Your Clients Beforehand

Plan in advance with your clients which wedding shots they would like to have taken from the air. Such as:

– Aerial views of the venue.

– Flyovers of the wedding party.

– Shots during key moments like the first dance or the reception.

This helps to organize the day’s schedule and ensure you capture key moments. Remember to work with your wedding planner or wedding venue to know the layout of the venue ahead of time.

After taking these stunning wedding photos, you can send them to your clients with a premium online photo gallery. The bride and groom can download, share, and even purchase their wedding shots with Zno Gallery™.

Use drones to capture stunning wedding photos.

Reduce Noise Impact

Drones can be noisy, so operate them in a way that minimizes disruption to the ceremony or guest experience. If the drone flies over the heads of the guests and the couple during the most touching part of the ceremony, this may attract everyone’s attention. You might miss the key moments of the wedding as a result. Thus, you can use the drone during louder, more upbeat moments to reduce the impact of noise.

Don’t Use Drones Indoors

Indoor drone flying requires a exceptional skill to avoid accidents and damages. Only attempt this if you are well experienced or have specialized equipment.

Use drones for outdoor weddings.

Don’t do Close-ups

Drones are good for taking aerial photos outdoors, but not for close-ups. The noise from your drone can be a nuisance to your clients if it gets too close. Additionally, if the drone gets too close to the bride and groom, it could be potentially dangerous. Therefore, if you want to take stunning close-ups, just use the camera in your hand.

Don’t Ignore Battery Life

Drones have a limited flight time, so make sure you have enough battery life to complete the wedding or have a spare battery on hand.

While drones provide a unique aerial perspective for your wedding photos, Zno Gallery™ provides you with stunning photo galleries to impress your clients. You can turn your photos into an exhibition with its beautiful layout. Sign up for a free account and elevate your wedding photography business today.

Elevate your wedding photography business with Zno Gallery™.