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8 Ways to Get Positive Customer Reviews: A Complete Guide for Photographers

8 Ways to Get Positive Customer Reviews: A Complete Guide for Photographers

Encouraging your clients to leave positive customer reviews is just as important as giving them a nice experience. Potential customers will often refer to these testimonials to decide whether or not to book your services. So how to get a positive customer review? Keep reading and you’ll find the answer!

Showcase your positive customer reviews on your photography website.

Why Photographers Need to Get Positive Customer Reviews?

Help Build Customer Trust

Reviews from real people tend to be more authentic and reliable. Positive customer reviews can influence the purchasing decisions of your potential clients. They will be more inclined to select your photography services if they read testimonials from previous clients.

In addition, getting positive customer reviews helps you with word-of-mouth marketing. Clients who are happy with your services are more likely to share their experiences and recommend you to their friends and families. This can also help your photography business spread far and wide.

Improve Your Website’s SEO

If you have a photography website, positive customer reviews can improve your site’s ranking on search engine results. That’s why we often emphasize the necessity to collect your client reviews. On the one hand, keywords in the reviews that are relevant to your photography business can help you get more organic traffic to your photography website. On the other hand, if you’ve registered your account on Google My Business, positive reviews can also boost your local SEO, making it easier for nearby clients to find you.

Why Photographers Need to Get Positive Customer Reviews? They enhance your website's SEO.

8 Ways to Get Positive Customer Reviews

Offer Exceptional Photography Services

First of all, your customers are more likely to leave positive reviews if you offer exceptional photography services. They will be impressed by your remarkable photography skills and professional guidance during the sessions. So remember to pay attention to detail, be on time, and be friendly to your clients. Make sure every client feels valued and receives high-quality photos in the end.

Offer Exceptional Photography Services

Ask Directly at the Right Time

It’s worth mentioning that you should be genuine when you ask for customer reviews. Since you need these glowing testimonials to further promote your photography business, your clients will understand and help you. But remember to ask when it’s appropriate!  

As soon as the shoot is over, you can ask your customers for their reviews immediately. It is the time when they are still fully engaged in the good experience and are more likely to comment on your services. Another option is to ask for customer reviews when your clients are most satisfied, such as when you deliver the final photos to them. If they are pleased with the results of the photos and your services, they will be more willing to share their thoughts.

Ask for Customer Reviews on Your Photography Website

Testimonials are a powerful, trust-building and effective tool that bring credibility to your brand. It would be great if past clients left you some positive customer reviews. Don’t hesitate to highlight these testimonials on your photography website! They can help you establish a good reputation and convince potential clients to choose your photography services.

In Zno Website™, you can choose from a variety of testimonial patterns. Just pick the one you like and showcase your customer reviews on it with ease. This doesn’t take up a lot of your time and you can start attracting potential clients in just a few minutes!

Add testimonials to your photography website.

Send a Gentle Reminder Through Email

If you don’t get a review after a photoshoot, you can send a gentle reminder to your clients through email. Make sure the email is personalized and expresses your gratitude for their bookings. Then you can ask them to leave a positive review on your website or social media pages.

Send a Gentle Reminder Through Email

Make It Easy to Leave Customer Reviews

Sometimes customers don’t leave reviews not because they don’t want to – maybe they simply can’t find anywhere to write them! Therefore, you should provide them with direct links to your review platforms, such as Google, Instagram, Facebook, Yelp, and more.

Offer Customer Review Templates

Your clients can be confused when you ask for a testimonial since they are unsure of what to write about. They have no idea how to best express their experience or what information would be useful. Therefore, providing client review templates can help guide them and make writing easier.

Engage on Social Media

Another way to help you get more positive customer reviews is staying active on your social media platforms. You need to regularly share your best work on Instagram or Facebook and interact with your followers. You can reply to every comment from your customers to make them feel that you are approachable. When they see your replies, they are more likely to leave positive reviews and interact with your content.

Engage on Social Media to get more positive customer reviews.

Show Appreciation for Positive Customer Reviews

After you’ve gotten some positive reviews from your customers, remember to show your appreciation by sending them a thank-you message. You can offer them some discounts on future bookings or giveaways made from their photos. This is also very helpful for word-of-mouth marketing, as they will share their experience with more people, which can promote your photography business better.

Zno Website

Try Zno Website™ and take your photography business to the next level! Not only can you build your photography website in minutes with beautiful website templates, but you can also promote your business with a diversity of customer testimonial patterns. Get 50% Off and explore all the features today.